When You're Just 'Not Good Enough'

Like most of us, there have been times when I wondered whether I was good enough. These questions arose throughout primary school, high school, business, sport, university, and my personal life.  A term often associated with this is ‘Imposter Syndrome’. There will always be people with exceptional natural physical and mental talents. It may be an athlete's lung capacity and heart rate, a child piano prodigy’s manual dexterity, or a savant's mental acumen. Unfortunately, most of us don’t fit into one of these categories, so we wonder what ‘they’ have that we don’t.

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Peter is a seasoned coach and mentor with over 35 years of experience in guiding businesses towards success. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, he's been transforming organizations for more than half of his impressive 55-year career. Benefit from Peter's extensive knowledge and expertise as he shares invaluable insights accumulated throughout his journey.


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