RETIRED - 26th April 2024

After 55 years in business and having enjoyed a moderately successful career, it's time to step back from the daily grind. My journey has been enriched by diverse experiences in performing arts, sports, executive leadership, coaching and mentoring. Now, I look forward to travelling, getting my golf handicap down to single figures, and continuing my passion for learning, including exploring generative AI through tools like ChatGPT for researching and writing. Ever curious, still learning, and always evolving.

For those of you who may want to keep in contact, please use my personal email address:

PLEASE - No more offers to:

  1. Improve my SEO and Google ranking

  2. Provide Virtual Assistants

  3. Deliver 30-40 new high-value clients a month

Coaching Works!

Unleash Your Full Potential through Personalised Coaching!

Coaching is a transformative journey focused entirely on you. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or what you do. Our coaching sessions are dedicated to helping you recognise the changes you can make to enhance yourself and your life.

As you embark on this coaching journey, your initial thoughts and ideas may evolve as you delve deeper into discovering your true self, uncovering your motivations, and understanding how you respond to the challenges we address together.

Our dedicated coaches collaborate with their mentor coaches at our coaching centre, ensuring that we continuously learn and grow. In addition, we remain up to date with the latest research and coaching methods to provide you with an exceptional experience.

We believe in pursuing excellence rather than chasing perfection. We aim to offer you continuous opportunities for improvement and growth. Striving for perfection can become overwhelming and impractical, whereas embracing excellence creates a fulfilling and sustainable path.

Why Choose Us?

Discover the difference with Mentor Me (Aus). We believe in a personalised approach tailored to your unique situation and growth goals. Our experienced team embraces agility and adaptability, utilising diverse coaching frameworks and models. Rather than comparing ourselves to others, we focus on sharing our coaching philosophy, qualifications, and expertise. Explore your strengths, seek recommendations, and define your coaching expectations. At Mentor Me (Aus), we value your preferences and offer informal chats and pro bono programs to help you find the perfect coach. It's all about finding the right fit for you.

What’s Important to You?

Understanding your coaching needs is crucial. As coaches, we specialise in asking powerful questions that prompt deep reflection. Seemingly ordinary queries can hold significant meaning as the coaching relationship unfolds. Your coach should provide the necessary time and space, even silence where appropriate, for you to explore your thoughts and desired direction. As skilled coaches, we intuitively understand your goals based on your answers and adapt our approach accordingly. Questions like "What emotion did that situation evoke?" initiate a process that encourages deep thinking. We create an environment where you can express what truly matters to you.

Why Now?

In recent years, we have faced significant challenges, including pandemics, environmental concerns, and financial crises. These experiences have taken a toll on our mental health and overall well-being. While remote work has brought advantages like flexibility, we have also missed the personal connections fostered in office environments. Reduced travel time has been beneficial, but balancing work and caring for children at home has been challenging. Our productivity has been questioned by employers, but we have discovered ways to distribute the workload more effectively. Coaching and mentoring will help you adapt and grow, and increase your resilience and well-being.

What Will You Learn?

Our team has personally undergone transformative journeys through coaching and mentoring. Our initial expectations merely scratched the surface of what we ultimately unearthed about ourselves. The unexpected questions, arising precisely when we felt most vulnerable, prompted deep reflection, leading to a re-evaluation of our purpose and approach. Growth necessitates embracing change and confronting challenges head-on. Learning becomes the catalyst for this growth. It opens doors to new possibilities and perspectives. Coaching plays a pivotal role in this process by providing the guidance and support required to unlock our true potential and foster holistic personal development.

To see more about our services, click the links below

Elevate Your Journey with Personalised Coaching

Coaching is a comprehensive approach that revolves around you. At our coaching centre, we firmly embrace the principles of Positive Psychology and Self-Determination. Our focus is on coaching the person rather than just addressing specific problems. We are dedicated to supporting your personal growth, which empowers you to achieve remarkable professional growth.

Gain Valuable Guidance and Insight through Mentorship

Mentoring is a means to share wisdom and expertise with individuals who aspire to pursue a similar career or life path as their mentors.

Our dedicated mentors provide invaluable advice, guidance, and first-hand experiences that help clarify our clients' or mentees' direction and goals. Through the power of mentorship, we aim to empower individuals to make informed decisions and embark on a path that aligns with their aspirations.

Nurture Future and Emerging Leaders with Our Expertise

The distinction between "Future" and "Emerging" Leaders can vary depending on the sources you encounter online. However, at our coaching centre, we offer our own definitions. As we define them, future leaders may not currently hold leadership positions but exhibit the potential to become leaders. They possess the qualities and capabilities to be nurtured and developed to propel them into leadership roles.

On the other hand, emerging leaders, according to our definition, are already in leadership positions. They may lead functional business areas such as sales, marketing, human resources, manufacturing, etc. Our expertise lies in guiding and supporting future and emerging leaders on their unique leadership journeys. We provide tailored coaching and mentorship to help future leaders unlock their potential while assisting emerging leaders in honing their existing leadership skills and achieving greater success.

Harness Your Strengths for Personal and Professional Growth

Understanding and leveraging your strengths is crucial to personal and professional development. At our coaching centre, we highly value strengths-based coaching, and we offer a variety of strength-finding tools to support you in this journey. Our tools include the Clifton Strengths Profile, the VIA Character Strengths Survey, and the DiSC Personality Profile. Each tool offers unique insights and perspectives, enabling you to assess and comprehend your natural talents more effectively. These assessments empower you to recognise and apply your strengths in various aspects of your life, fostering growth and maximising your potential.

Cultivate Well-being and Resilience for Positive Growth

Resilience is a quality that reveals itself in times of adversity or unexpected circumstances. It is through such experiences, such as a business failure or a relationship breakdown, that one's ability to move forward positively is truly tested.

At our coaching centre, we understand the significance of well-being and resilience. Our team of coaches has personally encountered these challenging events or traumas and can offer first-hand knowledge and support to help you navigate them. While we are not counsellors, we empathise with these obstacles and can provide guidance on addressing them effectively. We are committed to assisting you in cultivating well-being and resilience, empowering you to overcome challenges, and fostering positive growth.

Giving Back: Pro Bono Coaching and Mentoring

As part of our unwavering commitment to the community, we offer pro bono coaching and mentoring services. Throughout our careers, we have been fortunate to receive invaluable coaching and mentoring that helped us focus on achieving our desired outcomes.

Our team of coaches and mentors possesses diverse skills and capabilities. The best way to determine whether coaching or mentoring can benefit you is to experience it first-hand, free of charge. We understand that not everyone can afford our services, so all we ask in return is for you to pay it forward to others, just as we have done.

We are dedicated to making a positive impact by sharing our expertise and supporting individuals who may need access to professional coaching and mentoring. Let’s create a ripple effect of empowerment and growth within our community.